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COMP 491/492

Dickinson College Computer Science Senior Seminar

Developer Install Activity


In the User Install Activity you became familiar with your project from the user perspective. In this activity you will gain experience with your project as a new developer by installing the developer environment, modifying the code and rebuilding the project from source. You are not expected to make any meaningful changes to the product as a part of this activity. However, you should work through any guides/tutorials/examples for new developers. You do not need to become an expert developer. But you should spend enough time doing this so that you are comfortable making changes to the source code, rebuilding the product from source, making changes to the test suite(s) and running the test suite(s).

Track and document what you do using your sub-team’s Slack live-log. Work on the activities will be assessed via the Project Checkpoints as described in the Course Syllabus. When your sub-team believes it has satisfied the Completion Criteria, schedule an appointment with the course faculty for review.

Completion Criteria

The completion criteria that each sub-team must demonstrate for this activity are:

Each team member must be able to:

Acknowledgements: This assignment builds from and adapts ideas and content from the following activities created by others: