COMP131, Computer Science I, Section 2 (John MacCormick's section)

Please see the main COMP 131 website for most details about the course. This page lists only the information that is specific to Section 2 of the course, instructed by John MacCormick.

Policy for late assignments

Both homework and lab assignments have the same lateness policy. Each student is permitted a total of two no-penalty days of lateness over the entire semester; every subsequent day of lateness incurs a 25% penalty for the late assignment. "Days of lateness" are computed by rounding up to the nearest whole number of 24-hour periods, so an assignment submitted one minute after the due time is regarded as being one day late, and an assignment submitted 27 hours after the due time is regarded as being two days late.

Lab programming in pairs

All lab assignments will be done in pairs assigned by the instructor. The pairs will be different random pairings of students for each lab assignment. During the lab classes, students will use standard pair programming technique, with one typing while the other assists (sometimes referred to as driver and navigator). Students will switch roles every 15 minutes during class. Obviously, unlimited collaboration is permitted between a pair of students working on an assignment. However, the collaboration policy described on the main COMP 131 website still applies for any communication between different pairs of students. In particular, never share any written or electronic information about a lab assignment with someone from another pair. Students have been divided into different, random pairings for each lab, as listed on the lab pairings webpage.

Retaking lab exam 1

Anyone who wishes to retake lab exam 1 as a take-home exam may do so, by following the instructions on the retake webpage. The deadline for submitting your retake is midnight on Sunday, October 21. You must write all the code yourself, but you may ask a TA specific questions if you get stuck. If you choose to submit a retake, your final grade for lab exam 1 will be the average of your original grade and your retake grade (although if you somehow manage to do worse on the retake, your original grade will stand).

Results and action plan from mid-term survey

The results from the mid-term survey are available. The main conclusion is that most people would like the lectures to be shorter with more time for practice exercises. However, very few people want the explanations of lecture material to be faster. Therefore, it will be difficult to compress the lectures much, but I will do my best. My main plan is to eliminate unnecessary examples and let the students work through them on their own.