COMP393: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Fall 2007
- Syllabus
- Schedule (shaded parts are
subject to change)
- Data
- Assignments:
- Assignment
1, due Monday, September 3
- My
solution, which you can use for Assignment 2 if you
wish, provided you clearly indicate which lines were
copied and/or altered.
- Assignment
2, due Thursday, September 13
- Assignment
3, due Thursday, September 27
- Assignment
4, rough draft due Monday, October 8; final version due
Thursday, October 18. Java files giving my solution to
Question 1 are now available:
. A solution
to Question 3b is also available.
- Assignment
5, rough draft due Thursday, November 8; final version
due Thursday, November 15.
- Guidelines
for final project, substantial draft due Monday, December 3;
final version
due Saturday, December 15
- A very brief final project progress report should be
submitted at the start of class every Monday, beginning on
November 12. Reports should be handwritten on the provided
report template.
- Quizzes:
- Research paper discussions:
- On Thursday, October 4, we will be discussing the paper
"Detecting Spam
Web Pages through Content Analysis", by
Ntoulas, Najork, Manasse, and Fetterly. Each student will
give a 5-10 minute presentation (using voice and whiteboard
only -- no prepared slides) on part of the paper,
assigned as follows:
- Matt -- sections 1, 2, and 3.
- Katy -- sections 4-4.6.
- Andy -- sections 4.7-4.10.
- Luke -- section 5.
- Richard -- section 6. (In addition to summarizing this
section in your presentation, please look at at least one
piece of related work and briefly discuss it.)
- On Thursday, October 25, we will be discussing the
Features and the Subset Selection Problem", by
John, Kohavi, and Pfleger. Each student will
give a 5-10 minute presentation (using voice and whiteboard
only -- no prepared slides) on part of the paper,
assigned as follows:
- Richard -- section 2.
- Matt -- sections 3.
- Katy -- section 4.
- Luke -- section 5.
- Andy -- sections 1 and 6.
- Weighting for assignments (added on 9/24/07):
- Assignment 1: 1.0
- Assignment 2: 2.0
- Assignment 3: 2.0
- Assignment 4: 2.5
- Assignment 5: 2.5