Assignment 1
- Implement
the 1R algorithm in a programming language of your choice.� Your program should work when run on the
"nominal weather data" contained in the file weather.nominal.arff (this is one of the files
included with the Weka toolkit).�
Your program should take the name of this file as an argument, and
then read in the actual data from the file.� Obviously, we'll be generalizing this
approach in future assignments but for now the program need only work with
this one file as input.
- Write
a report containing:
- the
output of your program when run on the nominal weather data (this should
contain more or less the same information as Table 4.1 in Witten and
Frank, but how you format it is completely up to you -- and your program should also output the final
classification rule it recommends [added 8/27]).�
- 5-10
sentences describing any interesting or difficult design decisions you
made in writing the program.
Coding policy:
you may not copy any code from anywhere (including the textbook, the Internet,
or any other source) for this assignment.
Due: Monday, September 3