COMP364 Final Project


The objective of the final project is to implement, write up, and present an AI-related experiment involving creativity, research, experimentation, and programming. Students may work in pairs or individually. Any suitable AI-related topic may be selected for the project. A number of suggested topics are provided below, but other topics are also possible -- please consult with the instructor to ensure the suitability of your choice of topic. The main requirements for a good topic are: (i) it provides potential for substantial programming, and (ii) it provides potential for conducting interesting experiments.

The bulk of class time for the final two weeks of the semester will involve work on the final project. There will be no other homework assignments during this time. Students will present the results of their projects in the final exam slot, approximately one week after the end of classes. Thus, the project should represent three weeks of work for this course, or (very roughly) 25-30 hours of work.


Grading will be as follows:


The project consists of three milestones: FP1, FP2, and FP3. FP1 and FP2 are ungraded, but are designed to assist with keeping the project on track. FP3 consists of the submission of code, report, and giving the presentation in the final exam slot. Specifics of the milestones are as follows:

Potential project topics

Here is a list of potential projects:

Final remarks

Your project should not have significant overlap with any other work done at Dickinson. Late days may not be used for the presentation, but may be used for the code and written report submissions.