COMP364 Research paper presentation
The research paper presentation will summarize a state-of-the-art
research paper in the field of artificial intelligence. Each
student or team of students will pick a different paper from the
conference AAAI 2010, read the paper and any necessary background
literature, and present a summary of the paper. The list of papers
to choose from is available in the online AAAI
proceedings. (Note: The "student abstracts" at the end of the
page are not eligible for selection.)
In choosing a paper, note that you are not necessarily required to understand all the mathematical details of the paper. In your final presentation, you must be able to clearly explain:
- What is the problem the authors are trying to solve?
- What is the basic idea behind the authors' solution to this problem?
- How well does the idea work in practice?
Here is a list of paper titles from the link above that may be
suitable for this project (however, you are free to choose any other
paper presented at the conference, and don't hesitate to ask the
instructor if you are unsure about whether a paper is a suitable):
- Single-Frontier Bidirectional Search
- Parallel Depth First Proof Number Search
- Searching Without a Heuristic: Efficient Use of Abstraction
- Using Lookaheads with Optimal Best-First Search
- Coalitional Structure Generation in Skill Games
- Approximation Algorithms and Mechanism Design for Minimax Approval Voting
- Urban Security: Game-Theoretic Resource Allocation in Networked Domains
- Automated Channel Abstraction for Advertising Auctions
- Fixing a Tournament
- User-Specific Learning for Recognizing a Singer's Intended Pitch
- What Is an Opinion About? Exploring Political Standpoints Using Opinion Scoring Model
- Automatic Attribution of Quoted Speech in Literary Narrative
- A Fast Heuristic Search Algorithm for Finding the Longest Common Subsequence of Multiple Strings
- Visual Contextual Advertising: Bringing Textual Advertisements to Images
- News Recommendation in Forum-Based Social Media
- Fast Algorithms for Top-k Approximate String Matching
There are the three milestones related to the presentation, labelled PP0, PP1, PP2. These milestones are described below.
PP0 (due Monday, October 11, 3pm; ungraded)
- Notify the instructor of the paper you have
chosen. Notification is by email to the instructor.
Papers are selected on a first-come first-served
basis. A list of the papers chosen so far is available.
- Please also inform the instructor whether you will be working
alone or with someone else, and if so, the name of your partner.
- The PP0 milestone is ungraded.
PP1 (due Thursday, October 14, 3pm; worth 5 points)
Submit a 1-2 page document that includes:
- a high-level summary of your chosen paper (around 0.5-1 pages)
- a brief description of your strategy for
presenting the paper, including what will be the
important main points, and what will be left
- a list of background reading that will be
completed (a minimum of one other research paper
is suggested, most likely selected from the
references in your chosen paper)
PP2 (given in class on Monday,
November 8; worth 95 points)
The PP2 milestone is the presentation itself. A detailed rubric for
grading of the presentation is provided.
The most important points to observe are:
- Presentations are limited to 12 minutes, plus 3
minutes for questions.
- The objective of the presentation is to
communicate the main interesting idea of the paper
to your classmates. You will need to present
sufficient background or explanatory information for
your classmates to understand the research, without
wasting time on unnecessary details. As already stated above,
the presentation must explain the main problem
addressed by the paper, explain the basic idea behind the solution, and report on the effectiveness of the solution.
- Your presentation should reference at least one other
scholarly work, and briefly describe the relevance of that work.