Detailed schedule and class resources

Notation (applies to the summary schedule also): Any section number (e.g. 3.5) refers to the textbook, Russell and Norvig. PA1 = Programming assignment 1. Q3 = quiz 3. PP2 = paper presentation, milestone 2. FP1 = final project, milestone 1.

Class 1: Monday, August 30

Introduction to course and discussion of syllabus. Elementary notions of classical search. Discussion of the cannibal problem. demonstrates one possible approach -- but note that this code is incomplete (look at the end of the findSolution() method to see where).

Ungraded homework, due by class 3:

Class 2: Thursday, September 2

Required reading:

Class will consist of discussion of the readings.

Here is a link to a chatbot we can use to try a real live Turing test.

Sample quiz questions:

Class 3: Monday, September 6

Required reading: 3.1-3.4

Stuart Russell's lecture notes: slides, handouts.

Ungraded homework: read the instructions and code for programming assignment 1, and bring any questions about the code to the next class.

Sample quiz questions:

Class 4: Thursday, September 9

Required reading: 3.5

Romania map

Simple example in which uniform-cost search needs to replace an element in the frontier with a lower-cost node.

A very helpful presentation on A* search, by Dr Andrew J. Parkes, University of Nottingham. Note in particular the step by step explanation on slide 9.

Sample quiz question: given a problem and an admissible heuristic function, be able to explain the order in which nodes are expanded. (e.g. on the Romania map above.)

Class 5: Monday, September 13

Required reading: 3.6

Announcement: I recommend trying to complete programming assignment 1 by the due date (Thursday), but because pairings for this assignment were only officially confirmed today, you can submit until midnight Sunday without penalty.

Sample quiz questions: 3.14, 3.27, "Prove that a consistent heuristic is also admissible", "State the optimality properties of A* search for consistent, admissible, and inconsistent heuristics."

Class 6: Thursday, September 16

Required reading: 5.1-5.2

Stuart Russell's lecture notes: slides, handouts.

Sample quiz questions:

Class 7: Monday, September 20

Required reading: 5.3

Stuart Russell's lecture notes (same link as previous class): slides, handouts.

My own note that will help to understand alpha-beta pruning.

Sample quiz questions:

Class 8: Thursday, September 23

Quiz 1.

Class 9: Monday, September 27

Required reading: 5.4

Optional reading: Knuth, D. E., and Moore, R. W., An analysis of Alpha-Beta pruning, Artificial Intelligence, 6:293-326, 1975 (Available on Moodle). This is a beautifully-written paper, and is the standard reference for the best-case complexity analysis of alpha-beta pruning. I recommend checking out the first few pages, up to and including Section 6.

Sample quiz questions:

Class 10: Thursday, September 30

Required reading: 5.5-5.7

Optional reading: Jonathan Schaeffer et al., Checkers is Solved, Science, 14 September 2007: Vol. 317. no. 5844, pp. 1518 - 1522. Fulltext PDF available electronically from Dickinson Library.

Sample quiz questions:

Class 11: Monday, October 4

Required reading: 4.1, 4.3.

Links demonstrating some of the algorithms discussed:

Sample quiz questions:

Class 12: Thursday, October 7

Required reading: 4.4, 4.5.

Some brief notes and exercises on non-classical search.

Sample quiz questions:

Class 13: Monday, October 11

Required reading: none.

Sample quiz questions:

  1. From the opening 45 minutes of Spielberg's movie AI: Artificial Intelligence, give: (a) an example of a human showing emotional attachment to David (who is a robot), and (b) an example of a human treating David differently to the way a human would be treated.
  2. Suppose that robots such as David in Spielberg's movie AI: Artificial Intelligence could be built. Do you believe our society would pass laws preventing cruelty to such robots? Justify your answer in 3 to 4 sentences.
  3. Do you believe it is possible, in principle, that robots such as David in Spielberg's movie AI: Artificial Intelligence could ever be built? Justify your answer in 3 to 4 sentences, referring to one or more of the important points in Turing's 1950 paper, Computing Machinery and Intelligence.

Class 14: Thursday, October 14

Required reading: 7.0-7.5.2; 7.7.0-7.7.1. The above required reading is important, but the absolute essentials of propositional logic are covered in Sections 2, 3, and 4 of the document describing the third programming assignment, available here as clue.pdf. In class, we will step through the relevant parts of this document.

Sample quiz questions:

Class 15: Thursday, October 21

Quiz 2.

Class 16: Monday, October 25

Required reading: 8.1-8.5.

Sample quiz questions:

Examples of realistic applications of first-order logic (taken from the textbook's bibliography) -- these are for interest only, feel free to glance at the abstracts, but reading the actual papers would be excessive:

Class 17: Thursday, October 28

Required reading: 9.1, 9.2, 9.5.

Sample quiz questions:

Class 18: Monday, November 1

Required reading:

Sample quiz questions: all of the above discussion questions.

Reminder: request interlibrary loan materials for paper presentation NOW if you have not already done so.

Class 19: Thursday, November 4

Required reading:

Some detailed notes are provided, describing how to choose which attribute to split when generating a decision tree for a multi-class problem.

Sample quiz questions.

Class 20: Monday, November 8

Paper presentations by: Katherine, Stephen Pierce, Stephen Wittman, Michael (in that order).

Class 21: Thursday, November 11

Paper presentations by: Russell, John, Adam, Danni and Ouwen (in that order).

Class 22: Monday, November 15

Sample quiz questions: 13.8, 14.1, 14.6(a)-(d).

Class 23: Thursday, November 18

Sample quiz questions: See the questions at the end of the Bayesian networks handout.

Note: Neural networks will not be included in Quiz 3, so there are no sample quiz questions for this topic.

The informal presentation on artificial neural networks is available.