As stated on the syllabus, exams in this course are open note. This
means you may bring into the exam and consult any printed or written
material. No electronic devices may be used. Exception: if you
purchased an electronic version of the textbook, you must notify the
instructor in advance, and then you may consult this e-book during the
Exams will consist of a combination of true-false questions, short
answer questions, and questions requiring longer answers and/or
writing small snippets of code.
Technically, exams may ask questions about anything covered in
class, in the lecture notes, or in the background readings assigned
from the textbook. In practice, however, a strong majority of
questions will be related to homework questions, or to examples
covered during a class lecture.
Exam 1
Exam 1 covers material from course topics 1 and 2 -- that is, from
classes 1-9 inclusive.
Exam 2
Exam 2 covers material from course topics 3 and 4 -- that is, from
classes 10-19 inclusive.
Hints: the exam will be worth 75 points (one point per minute).
It will probably comprise
- 25 true/false questions (1 point each)
- a 15-point question asking you to convert a loop written in C
into a recursive Scheme function (which does not have to be tail recursive)
- a 15-point question asking you to convert a recursive Scheme function into a tail recursive Scheme function
- a 5-point question asking you to Curry a Scheme function
- three other 5-point questions
Final Exam
The final exam is cumulative, covering all topics with approximately
equal emphasis. The style of the exam will be similar to the two
in-class exams, including some true/false questions, some short-answer
questions, and some code-writing questions.