Exams for COMP251

Midterm Exam 1

The exam covers Classes 1-10. Technically, any material covered in any lecture or any assigned reading is eligible to be examined. However, in practice, most questions will be similar to either a homework question, or one of the puzzle questions on the puzzle sheets in classes 7 and 9, or this example question. Therefore, the best method of preparation is to ensure you can effortlessly and correctly complete all homework questions, puzzle questions, and the example question. Note that homework solutions up to and including class 10 are provided on Moodle.

It is highly advisable to show your working in all exam answers, as partial credit for incorrect answers can only be given if your working demonstrates a correct understanding of the concepts being examined.

As stated on the syllabus, the exam is open note. The following quotation from the syllabus lists the specific conditions that apply:

Students may consult any printed or handwritten materials brought into the exam and any static content stored locally on the student's own device or on a Dickinson College server. Web searches are not permitted. No content stored outside the College network may be consulted. Electronic devices may only be used for browsing static content (i.e. devices may not be used to perform any other type of computation), unless specifically permitted in the exam instructions.

Midterm Exam 2

The exam covers Classes 11-21. The style of the exam and the rules governing it are same as for Exam 1 (see above), with the following exception: you may use the MARIE assembly language editor and simulator.

Final Exam

The exam covers all classes, with added emphasis on classes 22 onwards. The style of the exam and the rules governing it are same as for Exam 2 (see above). In particular, you may use the MARIE assembly language editor and simulator.

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