COMP364 Exams

As stated on the syllabus: "Exams are open note. Students may consult any printed or handwritten materials brought into the exam and any static content stored locally on the student's own device or on a Dickinson College server. Web searches are not permitted. No content stored outside the College network may be consulted. Electronic devices may only be used for browsing static content (i.e. devices may not be used to perform any other type of computation), unless specifically permitted in the exam instructions. A majority of exam questions will be similar to the sample exam questions provided on the course webpages. These sample exam questions should be regarded as compulsory but ungraded homework, to be done immediately after the class in which they are provided."

Therefore, the best way to prepare for an exam is to ensure that you can effortlessly answer the sample exam questions. Note that solutions to all sample questions are provided on Moodle.

Exams will be 75 minutes in length.

Exam 1

Exam 1 covers all material from class 1 to class 12 inclusive.

Exam 2

Exam 2 covers all material from class 15 to class 24 inclusive, except that the topic of neural networks is not included. For this exam, you are permitted to use a calculator, or a basic calculator app on a phone or computer. You may round all calculations to a reasonable number of significant figures.