papers leading to the discovery of the structure of DNA

In class we will look briefly at each of the following papers and tables of contents, but no prior reading is necessary.
  1. Lewis, Gilbert N. "The atom and the molecule." Journal of the American Chemical Society 38.4 (1916): 762-785. link.
  2. Pauling, Linus. "The nature of the chemical bond. Application of results obtained from the quantum mechanics and from a theory of paramagnetic susceptibility to the structure of molecules." Journal of the American Chemical Society 53.4 (1931): 1367-1400. link.
  3. PNAS contents May 1951 link.
  4. Linus Pauling and Robert B. Corey. The Structure of Hair, Muscle, and Related Proteins. PNAS 1951 37 (5) 261-271. link.
  5. Nature table of contents, 25 April 1953 link.
  6. Watson, James D., and Francis HC Crick. "Molecular structure of nucleic acids." Nature 171.4356 (1953): 737-738. link.
  7. Wilkins, Maurice Hugh Frederick, Alex R. Stokes, and Herbert R. Wilson. "Molecular structure of nucleic acids: molecular structure of deoxypentose nucleic acids." Nature 171.4356 (1953): 738-740. link.
  8. Franklin, Rosalind E., and Raymond G. Gosling. "Molecular configuration in sodium thymonucleate." Nature 171 (1953): 740-741. link.