- Instructions
- Sample timeline: Excel, PDF
- For events related to the humanities course, I'm really
hoping you will talk in person with humanities students to get
some ideas, but you can also get some background on their
course from the
HUMN209 syllabus
and schedule.
- HW3a will be worth 20 points and HW3b will be worth 80 points.
- NEW on Sep 10:
To further facilitate interaction with humanities
students, I would like to offer the following incentive, which
we might call "buy a drink for a humanities student." The
Dickinson program will reimburse two beverages, one for you
and one for a humanities student, on the condition that while
consuming the beverages you spend some time discussing the
humanities course and make note of a few relevant events for
timeline. A list
of humanities students with email addresses is available
on Moodle. To claim reimbursement, write your name and the
name of the humanities student on the receipt for the drinks,
and submit them to the instructor before Tuesday October 2,
2018. (Fine print: please keep the cost of the drinks
reasonable, say no more than 10 or 15 pounds for two drinks.)