three papers from Nature, 25 April 1953, investigating the structure of DNA
In class we will examine each of the following documents, but no prior reading is necessary.
- Nature
table of contents, 25 April 1953
- Watson, James D., and Francis HC Crick. "Molecular structure of nucleic acids." Nature 171.4356 (1953): 737-738.
- Maurice Wilkins, Alex R. Stokes, and Herbert R. Wilson. "Molecular structure of nucleic acids: molecular structure of deoxypentose nucleic acids." Nature 171.4356 (1953): 738-740.
- Rosalind E. Franklin, and Raymond G. Gosling. "Molecular configuration in sodium thymonucleate." Nature 171 (1953): 740-741.
Instructions for the in-class activity
You will be assigned one of the three papers above (Watson-Crick,
Wilkins-Stokes-Wilson, Franklin-Gosling). With this paper:
- Without consulting any other resource, read the
first and last paragraphs carefully and skim the rest. Look at
any diagrams and equations carefully. To the best of your
ability, write a few sentences describing the main topic and
main new contribution of the paper. Also make a note of
anything interesting and unusual.
- Now, feel free to do a few minutes of online research
(Wikipedia or similar). Use the new information to give a more
accurate summary of the paper's main topic and contribution.
- Meet with the other members of your group. Discuss your
results from steps 1 and 2. Prepare a summary of your combined
results, and nominate a leader who will present your results
from steps 1 and 2 to the rest of the class.