three papers from Nature, 25 April 1953, investigating the structure of DNA

In class we will examine each of the following documents, but no prior reading is necessary.
  1. Nature table of contents, 25 April 1953 link.
  2. Watson, James D., and Francis HC Crick. "Molecular structure of nucleic acids." Nature 171.4356 (1953): 737-738. link.
  3. Maurice Wilkins, Alex R. Stokes, and Herbert R. Wilson. "Molecular structure of nucleic acids: molecular structure of deoxypentose nucleic acids." Nature 171.4356 (1953): 738-740. link.
  4. Rosalind E. Franklin, and Raymond G. Gosling. "Molecular configuration in sodium thymonucleate." Nature 171 (1953): 740-741. link.

Instructions for the in-class activity

You will be assigned one of the three papers above (Watson-Crick, Wilkins-Stokes-Wilson, Franklin-Gosling). With this paper:
  1. Without consulting any other resource, read the first and last paragraphs carefully and skim the rest. Look at any diagrams and equations carefully. To the best of your ability, write a few sentences describing the main topic and main new contribution of the paper. Also make a note of anything interesting and unusual.
  2. Now, feel free to do a few minutes of online research (Wikipedia or similar). Use the new information to give a more accurate summary of the paper's main topic and contribution.
  3. Meet with the other members of your group. Discuss your results from steps 1 and 2. Prepare a summary of your combined results, and nominate a leader who will present your results from steps 1 and 2 to the rest of the class.