Support from Teaching Assistant (TA), Quantitative Reasoning Associate (QRA), Quantitative Reasoning Center, and Computer Science Help Room

If you have a problem with homework, a lab, or any class material, remember to post your question on our Moodle Discussion forum. Other members of the class may be able to help you.

We are fortunate to have both a Quantitative Reasoning Associate (QRA) and a Teaching Assistant (TA) supporting us in this course. In addition, Dickinson's Quantitative Reasoning Center and the departmental Computer Science Help Room are available to assist students. Details are as follows.

The following table attempts to summarize all of the above, and adds in the instructor's office hours. In this table, "QRC" means there is a QR Center tutor qualified for COMP132 scheduled; "CSHR" means Computer Science Help Room, and "JM" means the instructor's office hours.
Help schedule

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