Computer Science 354
Operating Systems
Dickinson College
Spring Semester 2008
John MacCormick
General Course Information
Course Schedule
- 01/21: Introduction
- 01/24-01/28: Hardware Support
- 01/31-02/07: Process Management
- 02/11-02/18: Process Scheduling
- 02/21 - Lab Period
- 02/25&03/03: Threads
- 02/28 - Midterm Exam #1
- covers topics up to and including Process Scheduling
- A practice exam is
available. Note, however, that this exam was given as a take-home
whereas our exam will be in-class, so the length and difficulty of
the questions is not necessarily comparable.
- 03/06&03/17-03/20: Thread Synchronization
- 03/24-04/03: File Systems
- 04/10 - Midterm Exam #2
- covers Threads, Thread Synchronization, and File Systems
- A practice exam is
available. Note, however, that this exam was given as a take-home
whereas our exam will be in-class, so the length and difficulty of
the questions is not necessarily comparable. Also, the practice
exam does not contain questions on the "Threads" topic, whereas
the real exam will.
- 04/07-04/21: Memory Management
- 04/24 - Security
- 04/28 - Presentations
- 05/01 - Presentations
- 5/6 - Final Exam (2:00 pm)
Useful resources
Paper selections and dates for final presentation
- Veronda -- Tolerating Byzantine Faults in Transaction Processing
Systems using Commit Barrier Scheduling -- 4/28
- Soderberg-Rivkin -- PeerReview -- 4/28
- Rast and Zeigler -- Bouncer -- 4/28
- McArdle -- ??? -- 5/1
- Lang and Maffey -- DejaView -- 5/1
- Bilali and Zhou -- iComment -- 5/1
Guidelines for final presentation
Presentations should be 15 minutes in length, with an
additional 5 minutes for questions and discussion at
the end. You may present your project using any
combination of whiteboard and slides. A maximum of
12 slides are permitted. Text slides may have no
more than 70 words; slides containing any kind of
graph or figure may have no more than 20 words. The
objective of the presentation is to explain the main
idea behind the paper you researched, including a
summary of any necessary background material. For
full credit, you should also offer some critical
insight into the paper's research, perhaps suggesting
something the authors could or should have done
differently. As with any other piece of work, you
must acknowledge any content that you copy or adapt:
this applies especially to any slides you copy from
the authors' presentations on the SOSP website. If
you are working in a team, you may divide the
presentation task in any way you want.
Presentations will be graded on both content (70%)
and presentation style (30%). Please submit an
electronic copy of any slides to me by e-mail before
delivering your presentation.
Acknowledgment: this schedule is essentially identical to that
developed by Professor Grant Braught for the Spring 2006 Operating
Systems course, and I'm grateful for his permission to use it.