Simulation is a powerful tool that can be employed when designing and selecting scheduling strategies for an operating system. Such simulations allow the consideration of far more details and far more processes than manual or theoretical comparisons. In this project you will implement and test a simulation for round robin process scheduling.
Simulation Development
You will be implementing your scheduling strategies using the simulation framework provided below. This simulation framework accepts as input a specification of a collection of processes. The framework then simulates the system calls and interrupts that an OS kernel would receive when executing the specified processes. The following sub-sections provide an overview of the simulation framework and outline what you must do to complete this project.
Downloading the Simulator
In order to execute the simulator you will need to download each of the following Java files to a directory:
You should also download the following data files into the same directory as the simulator code:
Compiling the Simulator
To compile the simulator use the command:
Running the Simulator
The general form of the command line to run the simulator is:
The command line parameters have the following effects:
<processes file>
that you downloaded earlier contains two (non-comment) lines indicating that the processes in the files process1.dat
, process2.dat
and process3.dat
should be executed by the simulator. Lines beginning with #
are comments. All comments and all blank lines are ignored by the simulator. The format for the contents of process files will be described below.
<device file>
that you downloaded earlier contains lines indicating three I/O
devices (two disks and a cd-rom). Each line in this file specifies one device. Such a line must begin with I/O
and must conclude with the name of the device. Device names may not contain spaces.
<scheduler type>
interface. Currently, the FCFSnoIO
class is the only such class that you have. As part of this project, you will create a new class that implements round robin scheduling.
To run the simulator with the data files downloaded above use the command line:
If you successfully downloaded and compiled all of the above files, the output of the program will appear as:
This output indicates that the execution of the processes listed in the processes.dat
file required a total of 64 time units. 12 of those time units were spent performing kernel operations (i.e. scheduling overhead), 45 were spent performing user operations and for 7 time units there were no runnable user processes and the Idle
process was executed. The final line indicates that the CPU spent 70.31% of its time executing user code (i.e. not kernel code and not the idle process).
The Process Data Files
Each file listed in the <processes file>
indicated by the command line parameter describes a single process to be executed during the simulation. The syntax of these process data files is documented in the process1.dat
file. An example of such a file is shown below.
The above process file describes a process named PROCESS5
. Each process in a simulation must have a unique name. PROCESSS5
arrives in the system at time 15. This means that the system call for creating PROCESS5
will occur at time 15. PROCESS5
then goes on to have a CPU burst of 25 time units, followed by an I/O burst on DISK1
of 100 time units, followed by another CPU burst of 15 time units. The process then has a 50 time unit I/O burst using the CDROM
and a final CPU burst of 25 time units. PROCESS5
is an example of a very simple process. You will need to carefully create a variety of user processes such as this in order to verify that your round robin scheduling algorithm is working correctly.
The Kernel
The file
defines the interface that the system uses to interact with your scheduling strategies. Thus, all of the programming that you do for this project will take place in classes that implement the Kernel
interface. You should study the FCFSnoIO
class as a example. This class implements the Kernel
interface and performs a simple First Come First Serve scheduling strategy with the assumption that none of the processes make I/O requests. You will need to write a similar class in order to implement round robin scheduling.
The methods defined in the Kernel
interface are designed to emulate the way real processes interact with an operating system. The SystemDriver
and the other classes provided above read the device and process data files and then make calls to the Kernel
methods to simulate the system calls and interrupts that would occur when executing the processes. In addition to the methods defined in the Kernel
interface, your scheduler code must contain a no-argument constructor. The purpose and use of each of the four methods defined by the Kernel
interface is discussed below:
public void systemCall(int callID, String param, SystemTimer timer)
's systemCall
method will be invoked when the services of the kernel are required. More specifically the systemCall
method is invoked in three circumstances:
invokes the systemCall
method once for each device listed in the <devices file>
. These system calls simulate the initialization of the system as would occur during the bootstrap process. System calls related to initializing new devices are indicated by a callID
. The kernel must respond to these system calls by creating a waiting queue for the device. The param
will contain the name of the device as it was indicated in the <devices file>
. The timer
parameter will contain a reference to a SystemTimer
object which provides access to timing information. The SystemTimer
class is described in more detail below.
method will be invoked with callID
. The param
will contain the name of the new process as was indicated in the process' data file. The kernel must respond to this system call by creating a new process descriptor for the process and adding it to the ready queue.
method will be invoked with the appropriate callID
and param
. When a process makes an I/O request (callID
will be IO_REQUEST
) the process control block for that process must be moved to the end of the waiting queue associated with the I/O Device. For simplicity, you should assume that all devices process requests in FIFO order. Thus, the waiting queues for the I/O devices can be FIFO queues. When a process exits (i.e callID
) it should be removed from the running state and should no longer be considered by the scheduler.
The following table summarizes all of the callID
and param
values that may be passed to the systemCall
public void interrupt(String deviceId, SystemTimer timer)
method is invoked under two conditions:
method is invoked with the deviceId
parameter set to the name of the device that generated the interrupt. The kernel must remove the process descriptor from the head of the device's waiting queue and move it to the appropriate location in the ready queue.
will be set to the string TIMER
. The kernel will need to use the system timer to generate the interrupts necessary to implement the time-slicing for round robin scheduling. The method by which timer interrupts are set is described below when the details of the SystemTimer
class are presented.
public String running(SystemTimer timer)
method must return the name of the process that is currently in the running state. If no process is currently ready to run this method must return the string "Idle" indicating that the idle process is running. This information is used by the simulator to keep track of how much CPU time has been allocated to each process.
public void terminate(SystemTimer timer)
method is called automatically when all of the processes in the simulation have completed. You should use the terminate
method to calculate and report the statistics necessary for comparing your scheduling algorithms.
The SystemTimer
Each time a method in a Kernel
class is called it is passed a reference to an object of type SystemTimer
. This object contains a number of public methods that will be useful for performing scheduling and for computing the metrics that are useful for evaluating schedulers. These methods are:
scheduleTimerInterrupt(int delay)
time units in the future.
The Assignment
Implement a Kernel
class that performs round robin scheduling using the following policies:
Your simulation must also compute and display the following performance metrics when the simulation terminates: CPU Utilization, Throughput, Turnaround Time, Wait Time, Waiting Time and Response Time. For each of these metrics, use the definition given in the lecture slides, not the textbook.
Helpful Hint
To help with testing and debugging your scheduling strategies the simulator is capable of generating additional debugging output. To turn on this additional output set the debug
variable to true
in the SystemTimer
class. When debug
is set to true
the simulator will display messages indicating what is happening at each time step of the simulation. These messages can be quite helpful in determining if your scheduling algorithm is working correctly.
Turning in Your Solution
Submit your solution by giving me your class that implements round robin scheduling, and your new version of (if you changed it). Please submit both a hard copy and an electronic copy by e-mail.
Acknowledgment: this content is essentially identical to that developed by Professor Grant Braught for the Spring 2006 Operating Systems course, and I'm grateful for his permission to use it.