Exams for COMP352: Computer Networks

Each exam will cover material from a specified set of lectures, which in turn are based on a specified set of chapters in the textbook. Technically, any material covered in the specified lectures is eligible to be examined. However, for each exam a list of "important topics" will be provided. Most examination questions will be either (i) closely related to one of the "important topics"; or (ii) similar to one of the "self-assessment quiz" questions provided on the student resource section of the textbook website. Therefore, the best method of preparation is to ensure you can effortlessly and correctly complete all self-assessment quiz questions and easily reproduce any analyses in the important topics.

The exams are open book, meaning you can bring and use any printed or handwritten materials. However, no electronic devices of any kind whatsoever may be used.

It is highly advisable to show your working in all exam answers, as partial credit for incorrect answers can only be given if your working demonstrates a correct understanding of the concepts being examined.

Exam 1

Exam 1 covers lectures 1-6, and textbook chapters 1 and 2. The "important topics" are In addition, you should of course be familiar with all the self-assessment quiz questions for chapters 1 and 2.

Exam 2

Exam 2 covers lectures 7-13, and textbook chapters 3 and 4. The "important topics" are In addition, you should of course be familiar with the self-assessment quiz questions for chapters 3 and 4; but note the following exceptions and additional details:

Exam 3

Exam 3 covers lectures 14-23, and textbook chapters 5, 6 and 8.

The precise sections of the textbook you should be familiar with are:

The "important topics" are

Example questions for all important topics are provided. The only questions in the exam that require mathematical calculation will be very similar to the example questions provided.

The self-assessment quiz questions for chapters 5,6, and 8 will help you to prepare for the exam, but because we skipped many sections in the textbook, many of the self-assessment quiz questions are not relevant. The precise questions relevant to the exam are: