Programming assignments for COMP352: Computer Networks

Please see the course schedule for due dates. Each assignment, or part of the assignment, gives an estimated time for completion. If an assignment is taking you significantly longer than the estimated time, you should seek help from the instructor or your classmates (but of course, do not violate the plagiarism and copying rules.)

All programming assignment solutions will be submitted electronically via Web-CAT. No paper copy is required. If working as a pair, please submit only one solution, and list both team members in the author comment at the top of each file submitted.

Web-CAT will perform some simple checks on the formatting and style of your code, awarding you points in the "Style/Coding" section of the results page. Points deducted from this section will be incorporated into your final grade. It's true that Web-CAT's style rules are extremely stringent and occasionally annoying, but you are nevertheless required to conform to these rules, even if that requires modifying example code given to you in an assignment.

Web-CAT will not run your code to test its functionality. Also, you are not required to submit any JUnit tests. Therefore, even a completely correct submission will get the following alarming response:

     Results from Running Your Tests (No Tests Submitted!)
     Code Coverage from Your Tests (0%)
     Code Coverage: 0% (percentage of methods exercised by your tests)
     Estimate of Problem Coverage (Unknown!)
     Problem coverage: unknown
     Interpreting Your Correctness/Testing Score (0/0)
Please ignore all of these messages. The instructor will examine and grade your code manually, and a random subset of students will be required to demonstrate their solutions in class lab time. The results of this manual grading will be entered in the "Design/Readability" section of the Web-CAT results page.

The details for each assignment are on a separate page: