Detailed schedule and class resources

Class 1: Tuesday, January 26

Brief introduction to what we will be studying and why. Very brief discussion of the syllabus. Lecture on the existence of impossible programs: we'll see why it is impossible to write a computer program that detects all potential crashes in all other programs. Optional background reading: the instructor's book chapter entitled "What is computable?", available on Moodle.

Class 2: Friday, January 29

Required reading: Linz 1.1.

You can ignore the discussion of "order at most", "order at least", and "same order of magnitude" on page 6. In class, we will concentrate on the definition of a graph, and on revising proof by induction (previously covered in the discrete math course). Most of the other material in this section will be required later, but we will revisit such material when needed.

Class 3: Tuesday, February 02

Required reading: Linz 1.2.

Note the definition of "language" given near the bottom of page 18. The lecture will emphasize two different views of what a "language" can mean to a computer scientist: 1. a programming language, and 2. the answer to a mathematical problem (more specifically, a list of numbers that satisfy some given property, such as being prime or being even).

We will be using the following five languages as running examples throughout the course:

  1. Java programs, written in ASCII
  2. HTML pages, written in ASCII
  3. multiples of 5, written in decimal
  4. prime numbers, written in decimal
  5. Java programs that can't crash (i.e. throw a runtime exception)
The main question is: what type of computers (i.e. automata) can recognize these languages?

Mini-lab to understand basics about grammars:

Class 4: Friday, February 05

Required reading: Linz 2.1.

Mini-lab using JFLAP to investigate some rudimentary dfas:

Class 5: Monday, February 7

Required reading: Linz 2.2.

A note on nondeterminism: Nondeterminism does not exist in any real computer. It is a theoretical concept that we introduce for convenience, because it is often much easier to prove facts about nondeterministic automata, compared to deterministic automata. There are two useful ways to think about nondeterminism:

  1. Imagine a computer with supernatural powers that can examine multiple possibilities at the same time. For example, consider a supernatural chess computer that could simultaneously analyze the consequences of 10 different possible moves. Instead of having to make a deterministic choice about which of the 10 moves to analyze, this computer can make a nondeterministic choice to analyze all 10 moves at once!
  2. It is always possible to simulate nondeterminism on a real computer, in the following way. Whenever a (supernatural) computer wants to make a nondeterministic choice, we just make a list of the possible choices available, and store them in a queue in our (real) computer's memory. Then, analyze each of the choices one at time. If further nondeterministic choices are encountered, add them to the queue and analyze them later too.

JFLAP mini-lab to investigate non-determinism:

  1. In JFLAP, implement an nfa that accepts the language: {aaa or an even number of a's}
  2. Use the "step with closure" option to see how the nfa processes the following two strings: aaaaa, and aaaa. You will repeatedly click on the "step" button to do this. Once you understand the effect of the "step" button, investigate the effect of the other buttons (reset, freeze, thaw, trace, and remove).
  3. Now practice using nondeterminism that arises from transitions on the empty string. Implement an nfa for the language {aaaa, aaaba}, using at least one transition on the empty string. Use "step with closure" to investigate the workings of this nfa.
  4. Add more nondeterminism to your nfa. Practice stepping through sets of states, freezing and/or removing some of them.

Class 6: Thursday, February 10

Required reading: Linz 2.3.

We will do two JFLAP mini-labs to practice converting between nfas and dfas, based on examples from Linz. JFLAP files for these Linz examples are available: fig2.12.jff, and fig2.14.jff.

Important hints for using JFLAP to convert from an nfa to a dfa:

Optional extension to this minilab: play around with the "minimize dfa" functionality. One very interesting example is the one we tried in Class 5: first create an nfa for the language on {a,b} that accepts any string containing "aaaba". Now convert that nfa to a dfa. Now minimize the resulting dfa. Do you get the same results we got by hand?

Class 7: Monday, February 14

Required reading: Linz 3.1.

grep minilab

Class 8: Thursday, February 17

Required reading: Linz 3.2.

Minilab: use JFLAP to convert the regular expression a+(bc)* to a finite automaton, then back to a regexp—what happened? Repeat the whole process, but this time convert your automaton into a dfa and minimize it before converting back to a regexp. Experiment with more complex regular expressions.

Class 9: Monday, February 21

Required reading: Linz 3.3.

A summary of converting between different descriptions of regular languages is provided.

Minilab suggestion: JFLAP provides interactive demos of almost every conversion in the summary mentioned above. We have covered some of them in previous minilabs. Explore as many of the other conversions as possible, both in the lecture today and in your own time.

Class 10: Thursday, February 24

Required reading: Linz 4.1.

Minilab: Start working on question 0.2 of programming assignment 2. Run the example code as given, and experiment with metacharacters such as \s, \w, \S, \W, \b. Now change the code so that the regular expression is hardwired as a literal string in the code itself. Again experiment with a range of metacharacters.

Class 11: Monday, February 28

Required reading: Linz 4.2.

No minilab. Instead, we work on examples demonstrating more interesting closure properties.

Class 12: Thursday, March 03

Required reading: Linz 4.3.

Here is a proof of Linz example 4.6 (p114) that resembles the pumping lemma more closely than the proof given in the book. It is strongly recommended you master this proof (you should be able to write out the second, abbreviated version).

Class 13: Monday, March 07

No new required reading, but this would be a great time to reread Linz 4.3.

Check out the cool math in today's pumping lemma handout.

Minilab if time: try as many examples as possible on the regular pumping lemma. Always select the option "computer goes first", as this mimics your role in proving that a language isn't regular.

Class 14: Thursday, March 10

In-class exam – no required reading.

Class 15: Monday, March 21

Required reading: reread Linz 4.3.

minilab: Try out a few of the pumping lemma examples on JFLAP. Until you have a good understanding of how the game works, always select the option "computer goes first", as this mimics your role in proving that a language isn't regular. Once you have tried that a few times, you can amplify your understanding by choosing to go first yourself, thus playing the role of the opponent in a typical proof that the language isn't regular.

Class 16: Thursday, March 24

Important note: for the remainder of the course, required reading does not include the proofs of theorems unless specifically stated.

Required reading: Linz 5.1, 5.2. Section 5.3 is optional but interesting, and therefore recommended. Also, you can skip the following topics from Section 5.2, which will not be covered in this course: s-grammar (definition 5.4 and example 5.9); inherently ambiguous grammars (definition 5.6 and example 5.13)

minilab: Explore brute force parsing in JFLAP: 1. run JFLAP's brute force parser on the grammar S->aA|AbS,A->a|SA, with w=abaa – ensure you understand the result. 2. create a grammar, and a string that you are sure is in the grammar, such that JFLAP needs more than 20 seconds to find it using brute force parse. 3. same as (2), but your grammar may have only two rules. 4. same as (3), but make the string as short as possible. 5. plot time as function of string length. Explain.

Class 17: Monday, March 28

Required reading: Linz 6.1 and 6.2. Skip Greibach Normal Form (pages 167-169).

minilab: practice each type of grammar transformation in JFLAP. Here are some simple grammars on which to try each type of transformation: useless1.jff, useless2.jff, lambda.jff, unit.jff, chomsky.jff, combine everything.

Class 18: Thursday, March 31

Required reading: Linz 7.1 and 7.2.

minilab: Implement an npda for a^n b^n in JFLAP.

Class 19: Monday, April 4

Required reading: Linz 8.2.

minilab: 1. (if didn't already do last time) Implement an npda for a^n b^n in JFLAP. 2. implement an npda for the language generated by the grammar S->aSbbb|aab (Hint: Try to write out a description of the language in set notation first.) 3. continue work on the minilab from class 16.

Class 20: Thursday, April 7

Required reading: Linz 9.1.

Class 21: Monday, April 11

Required reading: Linz 9.2 and 9.3.

Class 22: Thursday, April 14

No required reading. Discussion of programming assignment 3. Minilab: Building Turing machines for (a) binary incrementor, and (b) unary-to-binary converter.

Class 23: Monday, April 18

Required reading: Linz 10.1, 10.2, and 10.3.


Class 24: Thursday, April 21

Required reading: Linz 11.1.

Main thing to think about from today's class: recall our five running examples of interesting languages (Java programs, HTML pages, multiples of 5, prime numbers, Java programs that can't crash), and add to this list a 6th important example, which is just the complement of number 5: Java programs that can crash. Of these six languages, which ones are recursively enumerable? Which ones are recursive?

Class 25: Monday, April 25

Required reading: Linz 11.2.


  1. Create an unrestricted grammar in JFLAP. Do a brute force parse of at least one string that is in the language and requires use of one of your unrestricted productions.
  2. Design an unrestricted grammar for a^n b^n c^n and test it in JFLAP using brute force parsing. Be prepared to explain your design to the rest of the class. Move on to the next question if no progress after 10 minutes or so.
  3. Download two possible solutions for a^n b^n c^n (solution 1, solution 2). Explore them in JFLAP. For at least one of the solutions, be prepared to explain how it works to the rest of the class. What is the main practical difference between these two solutions?

Class 26: Thursday, April 28

Required reading: Linz 12.1.

Lecture notes on undecidability are available.

Class 27: Monday, May 02

Knuth clip on context-free languages

Class 28: Thursday, May 05

Chris Bishop's 2008 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures. We watched segment 3 of lecture 3.