Homework exercise 16.0: Who is your lab partner?
Homework exercise 16.1: What is 456^76? Hint: in Python, exponentiation is not achieved using the "^" character. Check our class notes or search online.
Homework exercise 16.2: What is 52.3 / sin(0.445)?
Homework exercise 16.3: What input did you give calculator.py in order to delete your Word document?
Homework exercise 16.4: What input did you give calculator.py in order to rename your Word document?
Homework exercise 16.5: (a) What input did you give calculator.py in order to achieve a denial of service attack? (b) Approximately what percentage of the CPU is the calculator program now consuming? Hint: use Activity Monitor, in the Utilities folder of the Applications folder.
Homework exercise 16.6: Give examples of two different inputs for which greetings.exe works as expected.
Homework exercise 16.7: What error message do you see when the program crashes after a buffer overflow?
Homework exercise 16.8: What is the size of the buffer allocated by greetings.exe to hold the user's input?
You can do this part of the lab on any computer. We will be using Steve Kemp's XSS tutorial for our experiments.
Homework exercise 16.9: Give an example of some input that could be provided to the text box in part 2 of the tutorial ("simple cookie stealing"), that would result in a pop-up window with the message "This is Homework exercise 16.9".
Homework exercise 16.10: Give an example of some input that could be provided to the text box in part 3 of the tutorial ("basic filtered input"), that would result in a pop-up window with the message "This is Homework exercise 16.10".
Homework exercise 16.11: Give an example of some input that could be provided to the text box in part 2 of the tutorial ("simple cookie stealing"), that results in the user being immediately redirected to Dickinson's homepage.