Editing and executing Python programs
For labs in this class, we will use computer programs written in a
programming language called Python. This page walks through an
example of how to execute and edit a Python program on the machines in
our classroom. (You can also download and install Python for your own
computer, but the instructions given here may not be exactly correct
for your operating system and version of Python.) Now let's work through our example:
- Download the Python file hello.py, and
save it anywhere you want. These instructions will assume you saved
it in the folder Documents|HelloExample.
- Open a terminal window (search for "terminal", or find it in
the Applications|Utilities folder).
- By typing commands in the terminal window, navigate to the
folder where you saved your Python program. To do this, you will
need to use some or all of the following terminal commands:
- pwd: print working folder i.e. print the name of
the folder you are currently in.
- cd somewhere: change directory to the folder
"somewhere". e.g. cd Documents followed by cd
HelloExample if you have saved the Python file
in Documents|HelloExample.
- ls: list contents of current folder
- To execute the program, enter the terminal command python
hello.py. If all goes well, you'll be asked to enter your name
and the program will say hello to you.
- Sometimes, programs use extra information that is entered when
you run them. This extra information is called commandline
arguments. For example hello.py can accept a
commandline argument that specifies how many times it should say
hello. Try this now, by entering the command python hello.py
5. Try it a few times with different values of the commandline
- This would be a good time to mention that, in the Terminal window, the up-arrow key brings up your previous command, so you can quickly run it again as is, or change it before rerunning. Try this a few times. Also, pressing the up-arrow key repeatedly cycles through previous commands, which can also be useful. Try it now.
- Try running hello.py with a non-numeric commandline argument, such
as python hello.py apple. Notice that you receive a
mysterious and unhelpful error message, because the program was
expecting a number. If you ever receive a mysterious error message
during a lab, just ask for help.
- Python programs can receive more than one commandline argument.
For example, hello.py can accept a commandline argument that
specifies your name. Try this now, by entering the
command python hello.py 1 Tiberius. Try it a few times
with different values of the two commandline arguments.
- Now let's try to edit the program and make it do something
different. By double-clicking the file hello.py, you can
open a type of program called a text editor for editing this file
(the name of the text editor we are using is Aquamacs). Do
this now.
- You don't need to understand the Python code that you see here!
If you're interested, you can glance over the code to get some idea
of how it works, but this is not necessary.
- Let's change the program so that it says 'Goodbye' rather than
'Hello'. To do this, just change the last line of the file by
replacing 'Hello' with 'Goodbye'. Now save the file (by choosing "save buffer" in the File menu), and test that
your change has worked by running the program from the terminal
window again.
- Sometimes you will want to interrupt a program that is taking
too long to finish. To do this, just press Control-c (i.e. hold down
control and press 'c') in the Terminal window. Practice this now,
by asking for a ridiculously large number of goodbyes and then
interrupting the program while it's running (e.g. python
hello.py 10000000).