Detailed schedule and class resources
Class 1 (Tuesday, January 22): Password-cracking lab.
We take a brief look at the syllabus, but defer discussion until next time.
We discuss an overview of the course.
Most of the class is spent on the password-cracking lab.
Homework questions:
- Please see the password-cracking lab for today's homework
Class 2 (Thursday, January 24): Password security
Required reading:
- The course syllabus
- Chapter 1 of Clarke and Knake. Make a few notes (say, 50-100
words) for discussion in Class 4. Retain your notes and submit them
as part of homework assignment 1. (The notes may be handwritten.)
Optional reading:
- Skim over the following interesting blog
post: PIN
analysis, by Nick Berry, September 2012.
Lecture notes: password-security-v2.pdf.
Homework questions:
- For the purposes of these exercises, assume that a modern desktop
computer can compute 10^5 password hashes per second. Also assume
that the age of the universe is 10^18 seconds. (This is 13 billion
years, rounded up to the nearest power of 10.)
- Homework exercise 2.1: (a) What is the SHA-256 hash value
of the password "foo6wom3bat9"? (b) How about "foo6wom4bat9"?
- Homework exercise 2.2: How long would it take, on
average, for a modern desktop computer to crack a numeric password
that is the seven digits long, given a hash of the password?
- Homework exercise 2.3: How long would it take, on
average, for a modern desktop computer to crack an alphanumeric
password (including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and
digits) that is ten characters long, given a hash of the password?
- Homework exercise 2.4:A computer administrator decides
that all passwords on a certain system must take longer to crack, on
average, than the age of the universe (assuming the cracking is done
by a modern desktop computer). Suppose that all users on the system
will choose genuinely random alphanumeric passwords (including
uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and digits). How long do the
passwords need to be in order to meet the security guideline set by
the administrator?
- Homework exercise 2.5:Suppose a college IT system has
5000 users. The vast majority of users choose strong passwords, but
1% of users use passwords that are present in a standard English
dictionary of 50,000 words. A malicious hacker has obtained the
password hashes of all 5000 users. How long would it take, on
average, for the hacker to obtain one of the passwords on this
system using a dictionary attack?
Class 3 (Tuesday, January 29): Information security basics
Required reading:
- Skim over the first six pages of A Graphical Introduction to
the Structural Elements of Cyberspace, by Zimet and Skoudis (this
is Chapter 4 of Cyberpower and National Security -- you only
need to look at pages 91-96).
- Read carefully over Information Security Issues in
Cyberspace, by Edward Skoudis (this is Chapter 7 of Cyberpower
and National Security).
- Chapter 2 of Clarke and Knake. Make a few notes (say, 50-100
words) for discussion in Class 4. Retain your notes and submit them
as part of homework assignment 1. (The notes may be handwritten.)
Lecture notes: info-security-basics-v3.pdf.
Homework questions (note: answer all questions in your own words,
without looking at any material while you are typing out the answer;
do not copy the answer from the reading or any other source):
- Homework exercise 3.1: In one sentence of your own words,
describe what a botnet is.
- Homework exercise 3.2: In one or two sentences of your own words,
describe the difference between spyware and malware.
- Homework exercise 3.3: In one or two sentences of your
own words, explain why a firewall does not provide complete
protection against malware.
- Homework exercise 3.4: Approximately how many hops are
there between a computer on the Dickinson network
and How did you determine this?
- Homework exercise 3.5: Give three examples of aspects of
the Internet that were not designed with security in mind. For each
of the examples, state the year in which that example was invented
and/or standardized. (Use some brief web research to find this
information; there's no need to cite your sources.) What is the
average age of the technologies in your three examples?
Class 4 (Thursday, January 31): Cyber war overview, part 1
Required reading:
- Chapters 3 and 4 of Clarke and Knake (CK), and of course
chapters 1 and 2 if you haven't read them already. You should bring
a page or so of notes on chapters 1-4 to aid in our discussion.
Retain your notes and submit them as part of homework assignment
1. (The notes may be handwritten.)
The class consists of a discussion of Chapters 1-4 of CK.
Specifically, we will split into groups, and each group is assigned
one of the four chapters. Each group will come up with a list of the
main points from its chapter, together with any interesting questions
about the chapter (and especially any points on which you disagree
with the authors). The
randomly-generated list of the
discussion groups is available. The first person listed in each
group (in bold) is responsible for chairing the discussion (20
minutes), and for presenting the results (10 minutes) to the class
when we reassemble. If the group leader is absent, this
responsibility goes to the next person on the list.
Homework questions:
- Homework exercise 4.1: Which Dickinson alum is mentioned
in the introduction, and why? (Hint: this person's name appears on
the summary schedule for this course.)
- Homework exercise 4.2: Stuxnet and the 2007 Estonia
incident are two of the best-known instances of cyber attacks
against a nationstate. List two other examples of specific cyber
attacks mentioned in CK, giving a one-sentence description of each
that includes the countries or entities involved and the year of the
- Homework exercise 4.3: State one positive point, and one
negative point, about the style in which this book is written.
- Homework exercise 4.4: In a few sentences of your own
words, summarize the conclusions that can be drawn from the chart
titled "Overall Cyber War Strength," near the end of chapter 4.
- Homework exercise 4.5: Submit your notes on chapters 1-4
of CK as the answer to this question. As stated above,
these notes may be handwritten.
Some interesting optional reading:
an article
in yesterday's New York Times -- thanks to Andrew Chesley for
pointing this out; as he says, it "detail[s] extensive hacking of
their systems by Chinese hackers since they published their
investigation into Wen Jiabao's family in October." Here's another
recent news report that is highly relevant to today's
class: US
Cyber Command in 'fivefold' staff expansion (BBC)
Class 5 (Tuesday, February 5): Symmetric key cryptography
Required reading:
- The first five pages of Chapter 4 of "9 Algorithms That Changed
the Future" (available on Moodle). Read up to, but not including,
the section "Establishing a Shared Secret in Public."
- Chapter 5 of Clarke and Knake. Make a few notes (say, 50-100
words) for discussion in Class 9. Retain your notes and submit them
as part of homework assignment 3. (The notes may be handwritten.)
Homework assignment 1 is due at the start of class today. This
assignment consists of all homework questions for classes 1-4
inclusive. As stated on the syllabus, solutions must be typed and
submitted in hard copy, except where stated otherwise.
Lecture notes for today: symmetric-key-crypto-v1.pdf.
Some resources for the class:
Homework questions:
- Homework exercise 5.1:
(a) Encrypt the (binary) message
"1101 0011" using a one-time pad whose key is "1100 0011".
Decrypt the message "1011 1111" again using a one-time pad with the
same key.
- Homework exercise 5.2:
(a) Use Everpassword's online AES tool to encrypt the
text "information" using the AES algorithm with key "456456". What
is the result?
(b) Use the same tool to decrypt the
string "U2FsdGVkX1+TKwtblTuWDNtpl4AMpsCh3EBDvzaGo88=" using the AES
algorithm, again with key "456456". What is the result?
- Homework exercise 5.3:
(a) Using the XR block cipher
discussed in class, with key "0001", encrypt the block "0101".
Decrypt the block "1111" using the same key and cipher.
- Homework exercise 5.4:
(a) Using cipher-block chaining
with the XR block cipher discussed in class, with key "0001", and
initialization vector "1000", encrypt the message "0101 0101".
With the same cipher, key, and IV, decrypt the message "1000 1111".
Class 6 (Thursday, February 7): Public-key cryptography
Required reading:
- The remainder of Chapter 4 of "9 Algorithms That Changed the
Future" (available on Moodle).
- First half of Chapter 6 of Clarke and Knake. Make a few notes
(say, 50-100 words) for discussion in Class 9. Retain your notes and
submit them as part of homework assignment 3. (The notes may be
Lecture notes for
today: public-key-crypto-v1.pdf;
additional examples are available on the public key crypto
handout, cryptography-examples-v3.pdf.
YouTube video by Chris Bishop, demonstrating
a key exchange algorithm using
physical keys and padlocks. In fact, the algorithm demonstrated
here is not analogous to the Diffie-Hellman scheme we study in class
-- but it is a very interesting example of the surprising types of
secure communication that are possible over a public channel.
Homework questions:
- Homework exercise 6.1:
Using the paint-color analogy
for Diffie-Hellman key exchange, suppose that Alice's private color
is purple, Bob's private color is charcoal, and the public color is
- (a) What mixture does Bob transmit to Alice during the key
- (b) What mixture becomes the shared secret mixture?
- Homework exercise 6.2:
Suppose Alice and Bob perform
a Diffie-Hellman key exchange with modulus 7 and base 3. Alice's
private number is 2, and Bob's private number is 6.
- (a) What number does Alice transmit to Bob during the key
- (b) What is the resulting shared secret key?
- Homework exercise 6.3:
Alice and Bob use RSA
cryptography, with the keys specified on the accompanying handout
(see link above).
- (a) Alice encrypts the plaintext number 9 for sending to
Bob. What is the ciphertext?
- (b) Bob encrypts the same plaintext number 9 for sending to
Alice. What is the ciphertext?
- (c) In a single sentence of your own words, explain why your
answers to (a) and (b) are different, even though the plaintext
message was the same in both cases.
- Homework exercise 6.4:
Using the same system and keys
as the previous question, Bob receives the ciphertext 3 from
Alice. What was the plaintext?
Class 7 (Tuesday, February 12): Digital signatures
Required reading:
- Chapter 9 of "9 Algorithms That Changed the
Future" (available on Moodle).
- Second half of Chapter 6 of Clarke and Knake. Make a few notes
(say, 50-100 words) for discussion in Class 9. Retain your notes and
submit them as part of homework assignment 3. (The notes may be
Lecture notes for
today: digital-signatures-v1.pdf.
Homework questions:
- These questions use the keys on the public key crypto handout
linked above. When a hash function is required, use the hash
function h described on the handout. When a digital
signature is required, use an RSA signature. Unless otherwise
stated, any message should be hashed before it is signed. All
messages are sent using 2-digit blocks, and signatures are appended
as an additional 2-digit block.
- Homework exercise
6.1 7.1:
Alice would like to send the
message 15 to Bob, without any encryption or hashing, but with a
digital signature. What is actually sent?
- Homework exercise
6.2 7.2:
Bob would like to send the
message 091406 to Alice, with encryption and a digital signature.
What is actually sent?
- Homework exercise
6.3 7.3:
Bob receives the unencrypted,
signed message 02091813, claiming to be from Alice. (a) Did Alice
send the message? (b) Was the message tampered with?
- Homework exercise
6.4 7.4:
Bob receives the unencrypted,
signed message 13291709, claiming to be from Alice. (a) Did Alice
send the message? (b) Was the message tampered with?
- Homework exercise
6.5 7.5:
Use some quick web research to
find a news report about a Certificate Authority issuing a bogus
certificate. You may not use the same incident described by the link
at the end of today's lecture notes (a certificate issued
by TURKTRUST). Describe the incident you found in one or two
sentences of your own words. There is no need to cite your source.
Class 8 (Thursday, February 14): Cryptography Lab
Today's class will take place in Tome 118, opposite our regular
Required reading:
- Chapter 7 of Clarke and Knake. Make a few notes
(say, 50-100 words) for discussion in Class 9. Retain your notes and
submit them as part of homework assignment 3. (The notes may be
Today's class is devoted to
the cryptography lab.
partners have been assigned randomly. These pairings will be
altered as necessary; please notify the instructor if you were
assigned the same partner as in the previous lab or if your partner is
Homework assignment 2a is due at the start of class today. This
assignment consists of all homework questions for classes 5-7
inclusive. As stated on the syllabus, solutions must be typed and
submitted in hard copy, except where stated otherwise.
Homework questions:
- The homework questions for this class are embedded in the
cryptography lab, linked above.
Class 9 (Tuesday, February 19): Cyber war overview, part 2
Required reading:
- Chapter 8 and the appendix of Clarke and Knake (CK), and of
course chapters 5-7 if you haven't read them already. (The appendix,
"The Nuclear Worm," is available on Moodle, in case your version of
the book does not include the appendix.) You should bring a page or
so of notes on chapters 5-8 to aid in our discussion. Retain your
notes and submit them as part of homework assignment 3. (The notes
may be handwritten.)
There is another extraordinarily relevant article on the front page
of the New York Times today!: Chinese
Army Unit Is Seen as Tied to Hacking Against U.S..
Homework assignment 2b is due at the start of class today. This
assignment consists of just the homework questions for class 8. As
stated on the syllabus, solutions must be typed and submitted in hard
copy, except where stated otherwise.
The class consists of a discussion of Chapters 5-8 and the appendix
of CK. Specifically, we will split into groups, and each group is
assigned one of the four chapters. Each group will come up with a
list of the main points from its chapter, together with any
interesting questions about the chapter (and especially any points on
which you disagree with the authors). The
randomly-generated list
of the discussion groups is available. The first person listed in
each group (in bold) is responsible for chairing the discussion (20
minutes), and for e-mailing the results to the instructor
(group leaders will not present results at the whiteboard this time).
If the group leader is absent, this responsibility goes to the next
person on the list.
Notes summarizing the second half of the book are
available: cyberwar-overview-II-v1.pdf.
Homework questions (all refer to Clarke and Knake; explain each
answer with a one- or two-sentence justification):
- Homework exercise 9.1:
Of the three policies in the
authors' recommended "Defensive Triad," which do you believe is the
most important? Give a one- or two-sentence justification of your
- Homework exercise 9.2:
Read the following New York
Times article, from June 1,
2011: Pentagon
to Consider Cyberattacks Acts of War. Based on the information
in this article, do you believe the US government has followed the
authors' recommendation of implementing a policy of "cyber
- Homework exercise 9.3:
Read the following New York
Times article, from February 13,
2013: Obama
Order Gives Firms Cyberthreat Information. Based on the
information in this article, do you believe the US government has
followed the authors' recommendation of implementing "smart
regulation" to improve the cyber security of the electric grid and
other critical infrastructure?
- Homework exercise 9.4:
Why do the authors believe
that banning cyber espionage via an international treaty is not in
the best interests of the US?
- Homework exercise 9.5:
Why do the authors recommend
banning first-use of cyber weapons against civilian targets, but not
military targets?
Class 10 (Thursday, February 21): Theory of cyber power
Required reading:
- Chris C. Demchak and Peter
Dombrowski, Rise
of a Cybered Westphalian Age, Strategic Studies Quarterly,
Spring 2011, pp32-61.
- You should of course read the entire article by Demchak and
Dombrowski, but each student is assigned one section of the article
to study in detail: see
the table of section
assignments. You will be called on in class to summarize and/or
comment on your assigned section.
Lecture notes for
today: demchak-notes-v1.pdf.
Homework question: Give a one- or two-paragraph answer of 100-150 words to the following question.
- Homework exercise 10.1:
The so-called "great firewall
of China" prevents Chinese residents from seeing certain
international web content. What are the similarities and
differences between this Chinese firewall and and the "Westphalian"
borders of cyberspace envisaged by Demchak and Dombrowski?
Class 11 (Tuesday, February 26): Exam 1
Exam 1.
Class 12 (Thursday, February 28): deterrence
of cyber attacks
Required reading:
- Deterrence of Cyber Attacks, by Richard Kugler. This is Chapter 13
of our reader, Cyberpower and National Security, pages 309-340.
Lecture notes for
today: deterrence-notes-v1.pdf.
Homework questions:
- Homework exercise 12.1:
Make a plan for your midterm
paper, approximately 100-200 words in length, and submit it as the
answer to this homework exercise. This exercise will be graded on
completeness only, so the style and content of your plan are up to
you. Feel free to use ordinary prose, bullet-point notes, some
potential quotations, and/or any other methodology useful for
planning your paper.
Class 13 (Tuesday, March 5): Cyber terrorism
Required reading:
- Cyber terrorism: menace or myth?, by Irving Lachow. This is Chapter 19
of our reader, Cyberpower and National Security, pages 437-464.
Optional reading:
- Against
cyberterrorism, by Maura Conway. Communications of the ACM,
54(2), 2011. Pages 26-28.
- Some recommended reading about hackers, from Dan Apello
Homework questions (these questions all relate to the required
reading above, by Irving Lachow):
- Homework exercise 13.1:
According to Lachow, does the definition of "cyber terrorism"
include "physical attacks on information technology systems"? Why
or why not? (Answer in one or two sentences, supporting your answer
with a brief quotation from the reading.)
- Homework exercise 13.2:
In 1-3 sentences, explain the difference between "cyber terror"
and "hacktivism."
- Homework exercise 13.3:
In 1-3 sentences, summarize how terrorists make use of the
Internet to further their goals.
- Homework exercise 13.4:
Please turn in your notes on
Clarke and Knake chapters 4-8 as the solution to this
exercise. (Note: this exercise was added at 2pm on 3/6/13. Because
of the late notice, you may turn in these notes at the first class
after spring break without penalty, if desired.)
Class 14 (Thursday, March 7): Software vulnerabilities I
No required reading.
Lecture notes for
today: vulnerabilities-v2.pdf.
Example programs accompanying today's
Homework questions:
- Homework exercise 14.1:
Suppose you wanted to mount
an attack on that would delete the file
"important-info.docx". What input would you provide?
- Homework exercise 14.2:
Suppose you wanted to mount
an attack on that would tell you whether or not the
file "secret-stuff.txt" exists. What input would you provide?
(Hint: there is a Python function called "exists()" which returns
True if the given file exists and False otherwise.)
- Homework exercise 14.3:
(a) A program written in the
C programming language allocates a buffer of size 10 characters to
store a user's account number. It then asks the user to input his or
her account number. Give an example of an input that might cause
this program to crash. (b) In one or two sentences of your own
words, describe how a skilled attacker could craft this input to
cause the program to execute some arbitrary code instead of simply
Homework exercise 14.4:
A professor has written a
simple system to store and display students' grades, using a web
front-end and a database backend. A student can enter his or her
user-ID on the web page, and the corresponding grades are displayed.
The grades are stored in a database table called "grades-INST290".
Using the technique described in class, give a string that could be
entered as the user-ID that would result in the deletion of all
grades in the database.
Class 15 (Tuesday, March 19): Software vulnerabilities II
No required reading:
Lecture notes for
today: vulnerabilitiesII-v2.pdf.
Homework questions:
- Homework exercise 15.1:
A professor has written a
simple system to store and display students' grades, using a web
front-end and a database backend. A student can enter his or her
user-ID on the web page, and the corresponding grades are displayed.
The grades are stored in a database table called "grades-INST290".
Using the technique described in class, give a string that could be
entered as the user-ID that would result in the deletion of all
grades in the database.
- Homework exercise 15.2:
What is the general principle
of Web browser security that is violated by a cross-site scripting
- Homework exercise 15.3:
Typically, is an XSS
vulnerability caused by a flaw in a web browser, or in a
web server? Explain your answer in one or two sentences.
Class 16 (Thursday, March 21): Software vulnerabilities lab
No required reading.
Class will consist of working through the software vulnerabilities lab.
Homework questions for today are all embedded in the lab linked above.
Class 17 (Tuesday, March 26): Cyber security of critical infrastructure
Required reading:
- Cyberspace and Infrastructure, by William D. O'Neil.
This is chapter 5 of our reader, Cyberpower and National
Security, pages 113-146.
Lecture notes for
today: infrastructure-notes-v1.pdf.
At the start of class, please fill out
the midsemester
Here are links to the two YouTube clips shown in class:
Homework questions (all refer to today's reading by O'Neil):
- Homework exercise 17.1:
In 1-3 sentences, explain why
O'Neil claims that use of COTS systems for SCADA/EMS increases
vulnerability of these systems.
- Homework exercise 17.2:
In your opinion, what are the
most important two policy recommendations in the final section of the
reading? Justify your answer in one or two sentences.
Class 18 (Thursday, March 28): Ed Amoroso visit
Today's class consists of a presentation by Dr. Ed Amoroso (author, Dickinson alum and Chief Security Officer for AT&T).
No required reading.
Homework questions:
- Homework exercise
17.1 18.1:
In your opinion, what was the
most surprising point made in Dr. Amoroso's presentation? Explain
and justify your answer in a short paragraph of 50-100 words.
Class 19 (Tuesday, April 2): Robotic warfare
Required reading:
Homework questions:
- Homework exercise 19.1:
State whether you believe the
US should increase its use of military robots. In one or two
sentences, explain the primary reason for your belief.
- Homework exercise 19.2:
Start thinking about your
final paper. Make a list of one or two potential topics, together
with a potential thesis statement for each topic.
Class 20 (Thursday, April 4):
No class.
Class 21 (Tuesday, April 9): Operating system and file security
Required reading: none.
Lecture notes for
today: os-security-notes-v2.pdf.
Homework questions:
- Homework exercise 21.1:
(a) How many processes are running on the computer you are using? (b) How many of these processes are being executed by you (i.e. the username associated with the process is your username)?
- Homework exercise 21.2:
(a) Attempt to open some file on your computer that you do not have permission to read or write. What error message is displayed? (b) This time, open some file for which you have read permission but not write permission. Try to edit and save the file. What error message is displayed?
- Homework exercise 21.3:
Pick one of the two general
principles of security discussed in today's class, and describe it
in one or two sentences of your own words.
- Homework exercise 21.4:
Develop an outline for your
final paper. At a minimum, this outline should include: 1. Title;
2. Thesis statement (one sentence); 3. A very brief annotated
bibliography -- that is, a list of several scholarly sources that
could be useful, together with one-sentence descriptions of the
content of each source; 4. A list of the main points to be made in
your paper (one sentence each).
Class 22 (Thursday, April 11): Network security
Required reading: none.
Lecture notes for
today: network-security-notes-v1.pdf.
Homework questions:
- Homework exercise 22.1:
Consider the programs you
regularly use on computers, and the tasks or activities you
regularly perform on computers. Many of these programs, tasks, or
activities transmit or receive information over the internet. (a)
Give an example of one of these programs, tasks, or activities that
does not offer any security. (b) Give an example of one of
these programs, tasks, or activities that does offer
- Homework exercise 22.2:
What is the name of a protocol
that offers security at the network layer?
- Homework exercise 22.3:
Why is security more commonly
offered at the transport layer, rather than the application layer?
(Answer in one sentence of your own words.)
- Homework exercise 22.4:
It is possible, in principle,
for a single message to be encrypted four or more times (once at
each layer discussed in class). In one sentence each, briefly state
an argument (a) for, and (b) against, this multiple
encryption. (Make sure to mention the fundamental security principle
that is one reason in favor of multiple encryption.)
- Homework exercise 22.5:
Suppose you are using an
unsecured wireless connection from your laptop to access a website
whose address begins with https://. Also suppose a
malicious hacker is able to observe all of the wireless traffic
between your laptop and wireless access point. Can the hacker
obtain the plaintext of your interactions with the website? Explain
your answer briefly, in one or two sentences.
Class 23 (Tuesday, April 16): File and network security lab
Required reading: none.
Homework questions: the homework questions are embedded in today's lab.
Class 24 (Thursday, April 18): Cyber crime
Required reading:
- Clay Wilson, Cyber Crime. This is Chapter 18 of our
reader, Cyberpower and National Security, pages 415-436.
- James
Fallows, Hacked!,
The Atlantic, November 2011.
No notes from today's class are available, but the class discussions will be based on the above readings together with the following papers, which can be regarded as optional reading:
- Kanich, C., Chachra, N., McCoy, D., Grier, C., Wang, D., Motoyama, M., ..., Voelker, G. M. (2011). No plan survives contact: Experience with cybercrime measurement. Proc. of 4th USENIX CSET.
- Hong, J. (2012). The state of phishing attacks. Communications of the ACM, 55(1), 74-81.
- Jansen, B. J. (2007). Click fraud. Computer, 40(7), 85-86.
- Zhang, Q., Ristenpart, T., Savage, S., & Voelker, G. M. (2011). Got traffic?: an evaluation of click traffic providers. In Proceedings of the 2011 Joint WICOW/AIRWeb Workshop on Web Quality (pp. 19-26). ACM.
- Anderson, R., Barton, C., B�hme, R., Clayton, R., van Eeten, M. J., Levi, M., ..., Savage, S. (2012). Measuring the cost of cybercrime. In 11th Workshop on the Economics of Information Security.
Our shared document listing types of cyber crime.
Homework questions:
- Homework exercise 24.1:
List five different
activities that are commonly regarded as cyber crime.
- Homework exercise 24.2:
Consult the original text of
the International
Convention on Cyber Crime. From the treaty, choose one of the numbered Articles
that interests you, and summarize its provisions in one or two sentences
of your own words.
- Homework exercise 24.3:
Briefly (in one sentence
each) describe two ways in which a criminal who controls a botnet
can profit financially from the botnet.
Class 25 (Tuesday, April 23): International law issues
Required reading:
- Thomas Wingfield, International Law and Information
Operations. This is Chapter 22 of our reader, Cyberpower and
National Security, pages 525-542.
Homework questions:
- Homework exercise 25.1:
Article 2.4 of the UN charter
prohibits the "threat or use of force... in any... manner
inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations." In one or
two sentences, describe the relevant "Purposes" referred to in this
- Homework exercise 25.2:
Suppose country X has
conducted a cyber attack on country Y. In one or two sentences of
your own words, describe Wingfield's recommended approach to
determining whether country Y is justified in mounting a military
- Homework exercise 25.3:
Consider cyber attacks
consisting of deceptive forged e-mail messages sent to an opposing
military commander. Give one example each of a type of message that
would be (a) legal and (b) illegal, under the international laws of
war according to Wingfield.
Class 26 (Thursday, April 25): Exam 2
Exam 2.
Class 27 (Tuesday, April 30): Final paper workshop, media discussion, and course overview
Required reading: none, but you must bring to class your latest
draft and/or outline of your final paper, so that one of your
classmates can read your work and offer suggestions on it.
Paper workshop partners
Homework questions:
- We will do a graded in-class homework exercise worth 5 points,
which will be incorporated as part of homework assignment 5.
Class 28 (Thursday, May 2): Final paper workshop, media discussion, and course overview
Required reading: none, but you must bring to class your latest
draft and/or outline of your final paper, so that one of your
classmates can read your work and offer suggestions on it.
Homework questions:
- We will do a graded in-class homework exercise worth 5 points,
which will be incorporated as part of homework assignment 5.