Homework assignment A
- Exercise 1.1 (15 points)
- Exercise 1.2 (15 points)
- (Ungraded) Exercise 2.1. Some additional specific suggestions for this exercise are as follows. I like the Python Programming wikibook. Or, choose
one of the other tutorials from the list at
- (Ungraded) Work through all the practical exercises suggested in
Sections 2. In particular, this includes:
- Change the outputs of containsGAGA.py to be
yep and nope. Test it, then return
containsGAGA.py to its original form.
- Run containsGAGA.py using the contents of
geneticString.txt as input.
- Create a new Python program, temp.py, that executes
containsGAGA on several different inputs, including the
contents of geneticString.txt, and prints the results of
- Run countLines.py and longestWord.py on the
contents of wasteland.txt.
- Run each of the five programs in
Figure 2.5, and verify that the
expected error or misbehavior is observed.
- Exercise 2.2 (a) (15 points)
- Exercise 2.2 (b) (5 points)
- Exercise 2.2 (c) (10 points)
- Exercise 2.3 (10 points)
- Exercise 2.4 (12 points)
- Exercise 2.5 (18 points)
- Exercise 2.6 (6 points)
Total points on this assignment: 106