Description of summarization homework

As described in the syllabus, some readings must be summarized in a specific format before we discuss them in class. We will practice three different ways of summarizing readings: (i) paragraph, (ii) bullet points, and (iii) slides. This page describes the precise requirements for each type of summarization homework. Regardless of which summarization style is being used, the objective is the same in each case: to communicate the main ideas of the reading as clearly as possible, to an audience that has some knowledge about the philosophy of artificial intelligence, but no knowledge of the particular reading being summarized.

All summarization homework must be submitted electronically via Moodle before the start of the class in which it is due.

Paragraph summarization

Write a single paragraph of approximately 300 words, describing the main ideas in the reading. The paragraph should be written in high-quality, formal prose, using correct punctuation and grammar.

Bullet point summarization

Write a list of 3-10 bullet points describing the main ideas in the reading. The total number of words in your summary should be between 100 and 200. Grammatically correct sentences are not required, but your notes should be comprehensible to another person reading them. The main objective is to summarize the reading briefly, but accurately.

You may use sub-points if you wish. A sub-point is a bullet point that provides additional explanation for one of the main bullet points. Sub-points are indented to distinguish them from the main bullet points. An example of a possible list of bullet points for Boden's paper is provided: boden-bullet-points.pdf.

Prepare your bullet points in a suitable word processing program, such as Open Office, Microsoft Word, or Google Documents. You must then convert your document into PDF format. Finally, upload your PDF file to Moodle.

Slide summarization

Write set of 4-10 slides describing the main ideas in the reading. The slides must obey the following formatting rules:

Two examples are provided. In the first example, only the first slide gets expanded. In the second example, one of the later slides is also expanded.

Prepare your slides in a suitable presentation program, such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Apple Keynote, or Google Docs. You must then convert your document into PDF format. Finally, upload your PDF file to Moodle.