Schedule for UEA segment of SCIE258

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Saturday, October 14, 2017

Optional trip to Sutton Hoo and Framlingham Castle.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Class meeting in D'Arcy Thompson Room, 7pm-8pm. (Directions to D'Arcy Thompson Room.)

Required reading. Gribbin, first half of chapter 14, pages 529-551. (The first four pages here were assigned earlier in the semester, and we are now re-reading them and continuing on.)

There will be a brief reading quiz followed by a discussion.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Class meeting in D'Arcy Thompson Room, 7pm-8pm. (Directions to D'Arcy Thompson Room.)

Required reading. Gribbin, second half of chapter 14, pages 551-571.

There will be a brief reading quiz followed by a discussion.

For in-class discussion, refer to papers leading to the discovery of the structure of DNA.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Optional excursion to Blickling Hall, a historic manor house in Norfolk. Transport and admission costs are covered by the Dickinson program. If interested, sign up by emailing the instructor before 10 AM on October 20.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Class meeting in D'Arcy Thompson Room, 7pm-8pm. (Directions to D'Arcy Thompson Room.)

Required reading. Gribbin, the start and end of chapter 15, pages 572-586 and 606-612.

There will be a brief reading quiz followed by a discussion.

Please complete the official course evaluation. (Form will only be active during class time.)

For in-class discussion, refer to the list of cosmology papers.