Schedule for UEA segment of SCIE258
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To each class meeting, please bring: Fara textbook, your notebook with all handwritten
notes, a laptop or tablet suitable for reading and working.
For our class meetings this semester, no advance preparation is required. However, we will be reading and working in class, and some activities will count towards the PAE grade. That's why you need your textbook, notebook, and a laptop or tablet.
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Class meeting in SCI3.05,
Please complete
the modules
Norwich suggestions document (created collaboratively during class).
Announcements: travel reporting requirement; Cambridge trip; Thanksgiving dinner including confirmation and dietary restrictions by Oct 22; Group coach for Heathrow; Office hours and office location; home phone number and emergency numbers; check UEA email daily; HW3b due today, HW4b due Oct 12.
In-class activity: large-scale timeline, from the Big Bang to the Babylonians.
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Class meeting in SCI3.05,
In-class activity: historical research -- who really discovered the structure of DNA?
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Class meeting in SCI3.05,
Today's class will examine the achievements of Alan Turing. This
will include a brief lecture on uncomputability, followed by an
in-class activity based on reading the first two pages of Turing's
famous 1950
paper, Computing
Machinery and Intelligence, in which he defines what is today
known as the Turing test. No advance preparation is required.
Saturday, November 10
Excursion to Cambridge.
Meet at Norwich train station by 8:25 AM. Depart on 8:40 AM train, arrive Cambridge 9:59 AM.
10:30 AM: Meet outside Emmanuel College for 1.5-hour walking tour of
Cambridge focusing on science, hosted by tour guide Mike Nott.
The remainder of the day is flexible. You are required to
visit a museum or similar venue of cultural/academic interest and take a few notes so that you can contribute to a subsequent class discussion (be prepared to speak for about three minutes). Suggested museums:
All of the museums above are free, open until 4 PM or 4:30 PM on
Saturdays, and located within easy walking distance of the city
center. If you prefer to visit a different site, please check with the
instructor in advance to make sure it is suitable.
Optional afternoon event: meet at the Maypole
at 3:00pm, where the
Dickinson program will be happy to provide you with a beverage.
Remainder of the day: free time. Return on any train of your
choosing (e.g. the 4:35PM train arrives back in Norwich 6:13pm).
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Class meeting in SCI3.05,
Today's class will include:
- A discussion of what we saw and learned in Cambridge. Please
bring your notes and be prepared to speak for 2-3 minutes about
the site you chose to visit.
- A mini-lecture and class activity related
to behavioral
economics, including links to psychology and mathematics.
Relevant links include:
- Wikipedia article on the
2/3 of the average" game.
- Useful 1995 experimental study and analysis of this game
by economist Rosemarie Nagel: "Unraveling in Guessing Games:
An Experimental Study". American Economic Review. 85 (5):
1313-26. Available
- Excellent simple readable book on which the mini-lecture
was based: Pastine, Ivan and Pastine, Tuvana
(2017). Introducing Game Theory: A Graphic Guide.
Icon Books.
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Thanksgiving dinner at The Georgian Townhouse, 30-34 Unthank Rd,
Norwich NR2 2RB. Drinks will be served from 7 PM, with dinner served
at 7:30 PM. All Dickinson program students are invited to this event,
with dinner and drinks provided by the program. You must confirm your
intention to attend by Monday, October 22, together with any dietary
restrictions -- please email your confirmation to the instructor.
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Class meeting in SCI3.05,
Please bring a laptop if at all possible, so that you can complete the evaluations with detailed and useful feedback.
Please complete the following evaluations (links will not be live until class begins):
- Evaluation
of teaching for SCIE258: This form evaluates the SCIE258
course and its instructor, using an electronic replica of the
standard Dickinson teaching evaluation form. You are evaluating
all aspects of the SCIE258 course, including the summer
assignments, the study trip in London and Bristol before the
semester began, the classroom sessions during the semester, the
Cambridge excursion, and the research paper.
- Evaluation
of the Dickinson Norwich sciences program: This form seeks
feedback on all aspects of your study abroad experience,
including: intellectual and educational experiences such as your
non-Dickinson UEA modules; practical issues such as living
arrangements, food, and stipends; social and sports activities
at UEA; activities within Norwich; travel opportunities within
the UK and Europe; and anything else you perceive as relevant to
your study abroad experience.
Timeline highlight discussion: [This will be done in class. There is no need to prepare beforehand.] Please look over your timeline assignment and choose the single event that resonates most with you personally, due to some combination of its importance and impact, or perhaps because you did not know about it before taking this course. Be prepared to speak for about one minute, describing your chosen event and why you chose it.
Brexit discussion: If time permits, we will have a discussion that attempts to answer the question "What is the Irish border problem?"
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Farewell reception at the directors' residence on Unthank Road,
7:00pm-8:30pm. Attendance is optional.
Saturday, December 15, 2018
9:30am: If you are taking the group coach to Heathrow, meet and load
bags at 9:30 AM. The coach will be in the layby on Earlham Rd at
University Dr. It will depart at 9:45 AM, arriving at Heathrow
approximately 1 PM. This should be in plenty of time to catch the
group flight, United flight 941, departing at 4:05 PM from Terminal 2.