Computer Science 354
Operating Systems
Dickinson College
Spring Semester 2006
John MacCormick
Process Management
Reading Assignment 
- Operating Systems Concepts: Chapter 3.
Lecture Slides 
Homework Assignment 
Due Date: 2/11/08
- Operating Systems Concepts: #3.1, #3.2, #3.4, #3.5(a,c,d).
- Consider figure 3.2 on p. 83 of the text. Describe and give examples of events that would trigger the transitions between the following states:
- running to ready
- running to waiting
- Create a C++ program that forks two child processes and waits for both of them to complete. Turn in a printout of your program for this question. Note: You do not need to use execv for this program. The output from your program should be something like:
Parent running
Parent running after first fork
Parent running after second fork
First child running
Second child running
First child done
Second child done
Parent done
Related Web Sites 
- C++ Strings
- A page listing and describing all of the C++ string functions.
Sample Code 
Project Assignment 
Due Date: 2/18/08
- Project #1 - Processes and Shells
Acknowledgment: this content is essentially identical to that
developed by Professor Grant Braught for the Spring 2006 Operating
Systems course, and I'm grateful for his permission to use it.